Andrew Kreiss

andrew icon

Andrew Kreiss from Identity V, career: Gravekeeper, birthday: February 13th

He had albinism since birth, and for that his villige ridiculed him and his mother. His mother died of an illness when he was young, and so Andrew traveled away from his hometown and across Europe

Andrew stumbled upon Laz Cemetary (suspected to be in either Russia or Germany), and took on a new life as a gravekeeper, hoping to be buried at that church someday

His devotion to God was unswayable, for he sook out salvation and forgivness for whatever he had done to deserve such poor treatement all his life

Later on, he found out that the people at Laz were only buried there because they were rich and not good, so Andrew dug up their corpses and sold their prized posessions illegaly, then fled when he was discovered

I only developed a strong liking to Andrew after a few months of playing IDV, it was after I had bought his Once series costume that I really started to look into his lore

I wouldn't say he's particularly relatable for me, but I'm in love with his story and design. He is supposed to be somewhat rude towards people he doesn't know, but a lot of the fandom waters him down to be timid and shy

Check out his wiki here

Fun Facts

Andrew's favorite flower is the iris, he has one pinned on his black coat

In Andrew's Once series costume, he gets his happy ending by being able to write his own epitaph which states "Iris faded, long buried, Andrew Kreiss"

I love to headcanon that Ann and Andrew have a mother/son relationship, and that Andrew would look up to her for guidance since his mother wasn't around for most of his life (also because they're both religious)