
fischl icon

Fischl's full name is Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort, as declared by herself, but her real name is Amy

She is 16 years old (Birthday May 27th) and is always accompanied by her talking crow friend, Oz. Her home nation is Mondstadt (German based)

"Fischl" is Amy's designed persona, who speaks very eloquently and formally. Amy has a knack for investigation and can solve mysteries quickly

She doesn't like to dwell on her sad past, so Fischl uses escapsim and fantasy stories to create a new identity for herself

I definetly relate to Fischl in some aspects, I used to be drawn to fantasy worlds when I was younger too

Fischl mainly appeals to me through her character design and mannerisms, the idea of getting to be someone you're not resonates with me

It is mentioned on her wikipedia page that she takes criticisms harshly and puts herself down for mistakes, which is relatable as well

Overall, I'm in love with her character design and personality, and adore her free spirit and inquisitive mind

Check out her wiki here

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