Weeping Clown

weepy icon

Weepy was the first idv character that really caught my eye, mostly because of his bright red hair and silly daisy attached to a comically small top hat on the side of his head

Anyways, the Weeping Clown is, as you guessed, a sad clown who perfomed at the Hullabaloo Circus. There, he fell in love with a dancer, Margaretha

Sadly, Margaretha at the time was in an abusive relationship with Sergei, the Smiling Clown of the circus. Sergei would abuse Marg when he was drunk

Long story short, Weepy and Sergei had a huge fight which resulted in the circus burning down, and Weepy stealing Sergei's face. I'll leave that last part up to interpretation as to how it happened

There is so much about Weepy's character that I could talk about, I've made a literal slideshow on the guy talking about where his emotions come from and explaining his actions

I used to relate to Weepy's bottled up anger before, but not as much now. I guess that's a good sign

Weepy is honestly just the silliest character, from his design to his villain arc I don't care what anybody says

Check out his wiki here

Fun Facts

Weepy was responsible for Violetta's death in the manor. Now that was a huge contreversy when the information reached the fandom