
xiao icon

Xiao (Alatus) is an Adeptus who stands to protect Liyue, and the only remaining Yaksha amongst the former 5

Morax, the Geo Archon of Liyue, saved Xiao's life during the Archon War, and Xiao fought seemingly endless demons and piled on a high amount of karmic debt

This karmic debt keeps Xiao from getting close to mortals, as he thinks the Yakshas would find it dishonorable. Instead he bears his burden alone and prefers solitude

He is short and stoic, most would call him strict in nature

I empathize with Xiao, its very difficult to isolate yourself and refuse help from others. I imagine that with no way to relate to others, his burdens weigh heavy on his mind

His fighting technique is admirable, and so is his endurance and strength. Even after more than a thousand years of endless battles he is alive, while the rest aren't

On a more personal take, Xiao's emotional strength and means of isolation are relatable. His lore is intruiging and he's a very well-built character

Check out his wiki here

Fun Facts

Xiao likes to eat snow (yes, canonically), because apparently it helps ease his pain from karmic debt